
Payne, Alina. “Introduction: The Republic of the Sea”. Dalmatia and the Mediterranean: Portable Archeology and the Poetics of Influence. Leiden: Brill, 2014. 1-18. Print. dalmatia_introduction.pdf
Payne, Alina. “Michelangelo Contra Palladio: From Le Corbusier to Robert Venturi”. Ed. Emanuela Ferretti, Marco Pierini, & Pietro Ruschi. Michelangelo and the Twentieth Century (2014): , 7-23. Print. saggio_payne.pdf
Payne, Alina. “The Sculptor-Architect's Drawing and Exchanges Between the Arts”. Donatello, Michelangelo, Cellini. Sculptors’ Drawings from Renaissance Italy. Ed. Michael Cole. Isabella Gardner Museum, 2014. 57-73. Print. sculptors_architects_drawings.pdf
Payne, Alina. “The Thin White Line: Croatian Ruins, White Cities and the Adriatic Imagination”. Dalmatia and the Mediterranean: Portable Archeology and the Poetics of Influence. Leiden: Brill, 2014. 145-182. Print. dalmatia_thin_white_line.pdf
Payne, Alina. “ "Progetto di storia/Progetto di architettura: Rudolf Wittkower e la scrittura della storia nel presente"”. Aid Monuments. Conoscere, progettare, ricostruire. Ed. Claudia Conforti & Vittorio Gusella. Rome: Aracne, 2013. 23-34. Print. progetto_di_storia.pdf
Payne, Alina. “Living Stones, Crying Walls: The Dangers of Enlivenment in Architecture from Renaissance putti to Warburg’s Nachleben”. Art and Agency. The Secret Lives of Artworks. Ed. Caroline van Eck. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2013. 301-32. Print. living_stones_crying_walls.pdf
Payne, Alina. “Renaissance sgraffito Facades and the Circulation of Objects in the Mediterranean”. Synergies in Visual Culture. Ed. Annette Hoffmann & Suthor Nicola. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2013. 229-241. Print. f5466_visual_culture_payne.pdf
Payne, Alina. “Teofilo Gallaccini, Reader of John Dee”. Renaissance Studies in Honor of Joseph Connors. Ed. Machtelt Israels & Louis A. Waldman. Florence: Villa I Tatti and Harvard University Press, 2013. 519-29 and 902-6. Print. reader_of_john_dee.pdf
Payne, Alina. “Architecture, Objects and Ornament: Wölfflin and the Problem of Stilwandlung”. Journal of Art Historiography 7 (2012): , 7, 1-20. Print.Abstract

also in L’idea di stile, eds. S. Frommel and A. Brucculeri eds., Rome: Campisano, 2013

From Ornament to Object. Genealogies of Architectural Modernism
Payne, Alina. From Ornament to Object. Genealogies of Architectural Modernism. Yale University Press, 2012. Print. ornament_jacket.pdf
Rudolf Wittkower
Payne, Alina. Rudolf Wittkower. Ed. Bollati Boringhieri. 2011. Print.
Payne, Alina. “On Sculptural Relief: Malerisch, the Autonomy of Artistic Media and the Beginnings of Baroque Studies”. Rethinking the Baroque. Ed. H. Hills. London: Ashgate Press, 2011. 39-64. Print. sculptural_relief.pdf
Payne, Alina. “Architecture: Image, Icon or Kunst der Zerstreuung?”. Das Auge der Architektur. Ed. A. Beyer. Berlin: Fink Verlag, 2010. 3-39. Print. auge_der_architektur.pdf
Payne, Alina. “Beyond Kunstwollen: Alois Riegl and the Theoretization the Baroque”. Alois Riegl, The Beginnings of the Baroque in Rome. Ed. A. Hopkins & A. Witte. Monica: Getty Institute, 2010. 1-33. Print. beyond_kunstwollen.pdf
The Origins of Baroque Art in Rome
Payne, Alina, and Alois Riegl. The Origins of Baroque Art in Rome. Ed. Andrew Hopkins & Arnold Witte. Getty Research Institute, 2010. Print.
Payne, Alina. “L’Ornament architectural: du langage classique des temps modernes à l’aube du XXe siècle”. Perspective. Revue de l’INHA 1 (2010): , 1, 77-96. Print. ornamentarticle.pdf
Payne, Alina. “Bauhaus Endgame: Ambiguity, Anxiety and Discomfort”. Bauhaus Construct. Fashioning Identity Discourse and Modernism. Ed. R. Schuldenfrei & J. Saletnik. London: Routledge, 2009. 247-66. Print.
Payne, Alina. “Materiality, Crafting and Scale in Renaissance Architecture”. Oxford Art Journal (2009): , 365-86. Print. ojaarticle.pdf
Payne, Alina, and Giovanni Fara. “Teofilo Gallaccini e la critica architettonica a Siena fra XVI e XVII secolo: ’L’architettura con ornato’: Teofilo Gallaccini lettore di Serlio"; "L’architettura militare"”. Architetti a Siena. Siena: Biblioteca degli Intronati, 2009. 141-190. Print. teofilo_gallaccini.pdf
Payne, Alina. “Portable Ruins: The Pergamon Altar, Heinrich Wölfflin and German Art History at the fin de siècle.”. RES. Journal of Aesthetics and Anthropology 54/55 (2008): , 54/55, 168-189. Print. portable_ruins_2.pdf
